Dad Blogs

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San Francisco, Ca, United States
I'm on the left, Andrew is in the middle and my partner Ed is on the right. My partner and I met in October 1993 and have been together ever since. Our son Andrew graced us with his presence on Christmas Eve 2007.

Andrew's 1st Feeding of Baby Food

Well we tried it and my gosh, he actually loves it. His first baby food meal was Sweet Potato and chicken. See video below:

Andrew's 6 Month Pediatrician Appointment

Andrew is now 26 1/2 inches long and weighs 17.3 lbs. He has really caught up. The doctor told us we can begin to feed him baby food...but not as a replacement to the bottle. We should still continue to feed him the same amount of formula. He is drinking about 8oz per feeding and still eating about every 3 1/2 to 4 hours. He received more immunization shots (4) two in each leg. Andrew hated it, but got over it quickly.
The doctor suggested we change the formula (currently using Enfamil with Iron). He wants us to now use Earth's Best Organic. So we decided to finish up the Enfamil we have left and will begin using the organic formula.
I went and bought a bunch of baby food..I can't wait to start spoon feeding Andrew. I really love these milestones.
Andrew had his first fever last night. We believe it's due to his teething and also reaction to his immunizations shots. He is doing ok...but still a little warm.

Andrew turned over

What a busy weekend. Andrew was particularly fussy on saturday morning. My partner had a bunch of errands to run so I had some one on one with my son Andrew. I am always so excited to have alone time with him.
He was a bit fussy this a.m. and wanted to be held constantly. I had to use the restroom and I took him upstairs with me. I set him down in is crib and told him "Daddy will be right back".
When I got back I saw Andrew on his tummy and he was looking up at me with a smile. I could not believe it, I was almost certain I laid him on his back. So I picked him up and put him on his back again....and right there in front of little boy rolled to his tummy (with some effort).
These little developments are just as new to me as they are to my son which is why I even got teary eyed watching this wonderful milestone.


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