Dad Blogs

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San Francisco, Ca, United States
I'm on the left, Andrew is in the middle and my partner Ed is on the right. My partner and I met in October 1993 and have been together ever since. Our son Andrew graced us with his presence on Christmas Eve 2007.

Andrew's 1st Feeding of Baby Food

Well we tried it and my gosh, he actually loves it. His first baby food meal was Sweet Potato and chicken. See video below:


Laurel said...


Congrats on all of the special milestones right guys make awesome daddies to such a special little boy.

Anonymous said...

Hi Paul...I sent a couple of emails to you in the past few weeks and am not sure that you got them (I've had some trouble with my email account being blocked in the past). Let me know if you are getting them.
Gary from NJ (

Anonymous said...

He's a cutie. Keep up the good work!

4LittleDudes said...

hehe Look at him opening his mouth!

-Yes, Andrew is a lot older now, and I'm still replying. I'm just catching up..SUE ME! ;)


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