Dad Blogs

About Us

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San Francisco, Ca, United States
I'm on the left, Andrew is in the middle and my partner Ed is on the right. My partner and I met in October 1993 and have been together ever since. Our son Andrew graced us with his presence on Christmas Eve 2007.

Andrew Walking?????


Laurel said...

Ok boys...update needed! Your trip and anything with Andrew's mommy?

Amazing how time passes...and that Andrew is already walking!!! He's such a happy little guy.

Andrew's Daddies said...

Hi Laurel,
I have tried and tried to reach her..but she is not returning my calls. I left messages and text messages. Our social worker told us not to be aggressive and hopefully she will call us.

Unknown said...

Great video! Just by strange coincidence, my blog is called "Those Two Daddies" and I've been blogging about myself and my partner's adoption journey since February of this year. I'm glad to see some dads who've completed the journey! Your son is just adorable...

Laurel said...

Wow, I hope all is ok with her. I'll be including her in my prayers.


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