Dad Blogs

About Us

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San Francisco, Ca, United States
I'm on the left, Andrew is in the middle and my partner Ed is on the right. My partner and I met in October 1993 and have been together ever since. Our son Andrew graced us with his presence on Christmas Eve 2007.

So Much Going On And Trying To Get Caught Up

Andrew is 2 1/2 years old already. We are heading to the Philippines to celebrate his 3rd birthday there. Our son has really grown and is about 40 inches tall.
For Father's Day, we took Andrew to Water World in Concord, CA. He had a blast. He loves playing and splashing in the water. It was in the mid 80s so the weather was perfect.
We are meeting his birth mom this Sunday. There have been some issues between her father and us and we are trying to work that out. It was about a month ago when the birth mom's father (who she is living with), started asking us for money. I was completely honest and told him we will not give him any money. It has caused a bit of strain in our relationship which has trickled down to the birth mom.
When we see her this Sunday, I will talk to her about what we are feeling in regards to her dad asking us for money. I want to make sure this does not get in the way of our relationship or make things uncomfortable for us.
Here are a few pics of our son at Water World. It was the greatest Father's Day ever.


Melisa Wells said...

Great pictures!! He's such an adorable little boy. ;)

Good luck this weekend; I'll be thinking about you. It sounds like a really awkward situation and I wish you the best in attempting to smooth this out.

Mark said...

I agree with Melissa w/1s, good luck this weekend. I would be a bit nervous about meeting with this man in his own space. Can you meet somewhere in public? I love that you have a relationship with your son's birthmom. I still keep in touch with my daughter's birthmom and she comments everyonce in awhile on my site. However, my Mom is not happy about that at all for reason similar to what you might be going through.
I wish for you the very best.
Your boy looks beautiful!
Your Friend, m.

BellaDaddy said...

SWEET! Miss you guys!

Beautiful PIcs...and on a side note, we took Bella to Italy for her 2nd!

And Happy Belated!

Unknown said...

GREAT Blog! You have a great looking family!

Tell David to stop Bogarting the comment section with two comments...

I'll be back!

SurprisedMom said...

You have one precious little boy there who is growing quickly.

I hope your weekend with the birth mother went smoothly and you ironed out everything.

Glad to see you posting!


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