Dad Blogs

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San Francisco, Ca, United States
I'm on the left, Andrew is in the middle and my partner Ed is on the right. My partner and I met in October 1993 and have been together ever since. Our son Andrew graced us with his presence on Christmas Eve 2007.

Andrew's 4 month Pediatrician Appointment

Well the doctor said Andrew is really making some progress. Andrew's head is still flat, however we had a helmet made for him. He has to wear this helmet for 3 to 4 months for 23 hours per day.
Andrew is now 24 1/2 inches long and weighs close to 13lbs 10 oz. He is making many noises now. His voice is inflecting as though he is copying sounds that he's heard before.
The doctor gave Andrew 4 shots for immunization. Two shots per leg. He hated it and cried so loud.

Our baby is doing GREAT. He's eating 5-6ozs per feeding..and still eating about every 3 hours. Every day he is more and more alert.


Anonymous said...

Yes indeed! He is getting heavier and heavier, and he now smiles. I love it! I can't wait for seeing him again.

Anonymous said...

I linked to your blog through your WSJ post. Congrats and thank you for sharing your story. As blessed as you are, Andrew is doubly blessed. Can't wait to read more, your journey has just begun.


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