Dad Blogs

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San Francisco, Ca, United States
I'm on the left, Andrew is in the middle and my partner Ed is on the right. My partner and I met in October 1993 and have been together ever since. Our son Andrew graced us with his presence on Christmas Eve 2007.

Update on Andrew

Andrew had his last visit with the doctor regarding the shape of his head. He had been wearing a helmet for 23 hours per day for the last month and a half. The doctor told us, he no longer needs to wear the helmet. We were so excited.
Andrew is now 16lbs and 27 inches long. He is really showing a lot of personality. He can laugh histerically which is extremely contagious.

We are taking Andrew on his first plane trip. We are going to visit his grandma in San Diego. I'm a bit nervous about taking him and I am hoping he is an easy travel companion. ANY SUGGESTIONS would be extremely welcomed!!!!!! This trip is a test run for our REAL trip. We are going to Asia in December and that's a 15 hour flight.

I tried calling Andrew's mommy a couple of times but she has not returned my call. I will keep trying and hopefully she will call back. I want to set another time for us to get together.

We received Andrew's birth certifcate and we are almost done with our post placement meetings with the social worker (of the agency we adopted Andrew). After the last meeting, we will go to court to finalize the adoption. Ed and I are soo excited about that moment.

Andrew will know the word Mommy

We are saying "Mommy". My partner and I have decided it will be hard enough for Andrew to explain to his peers that he has two daddies. We do not want to take away the title of MOMMY from him. He does have a birth-mother and although she is not (in the typical sense) a full-time mom to Andrew, she in our eyes is still his Mommy. My partner and I are very determined to keep very close to the birth-mother mainly for Andrew's sake.
Her involvment in Andrew's life is mostly up to her. If she is in a place in her life where the environment is safe for Andrew, we may even consider sleep overs. We want Andrew to know that his mommy loves him and that she loves him so much she had let us take him home to give him a happy, healthy life.

Andrew's appointment for his helmet

Well, I recorded Andrew's appointment to get his helmet resized. Our doctor suggest this because Andrew's head is a little flat in the back. He looks so cute with his helmet on. He has to wear it for 23 hours a day for 3 to 4 months. He is already used to it. This should help his head to grow more round. Luckily it is covered by my insurance or it would have cost approximately $3-4 thousand.

Here's a video clip of his appointment...a bit long..


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