Dad Blogs

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San Francisco, Ca, United States
I'm on the left, Andrew is in the middle and my partner Ed is on the right. My partner and I met in October 1993 and have been together ever since. Our son Andrew graced us with his presence on Christmas Eve 2007.

"Daddy, Can I Take The Car?"

OK, well maybe my son is asking for the car to just play and bite on the steering wheel, press all the buttons and beep the horn but soon he will be asking me to hand over the keys to take a friend to the movies.


Miranda said... cute, talk about preparing you well in advance. ;)

Living It, Loving It said...

Absolutely adorable!

SurprisedMom said...

And I thought The Oldest was early when she asked how old you had to be to drive a car . . . when she was 8!

Isn't it great that all he wants to do is beep the horn and chew on the steering wheel? He looks so cute "driving!"

Paul, I hope you're doing well! I miss talking to you over at DB.

Teacher Tom said...

We were a little older, but my brother and I loved playing in the car. When mom started it the wipers (which we'd turned on) would always startle her. We thought it was sooo funny. =)

Very cute.

Melisa Wells said...

Yep, it'll happen before you know it. :(

GREAT pic! He looks like a natural behind the wheel!

The Gman said...

glad to hear from you, misseded your blog.

cute pic and remember, no "b"s no keys!

Janie Woods said...

Yes, and that's a wonderful, scary moment! Now someone ELSE can "run to the store"! I'm just waiting for him to turn 21 (wink, wink, nudge nudge)


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