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San Francisco, Ca, United States
I'm on the left, Andrew is in the middle and my partner Ed is on the right. My partner and I met in October 1993 and have been together ever since. Our son Andrew graced us with his presence on Christmas Eve 2007.

When Your Child Is Sick

Well, I felt like Father Damien Karras from the Exorcist. "The power of Christ compels you!!".
My poor little baby coughing and spitting up, I was just waiting for his little head to spin. It's terrible because he can't blow his nose (15 months). You just sit and hope that when he sneezes, the "stuff" will come out.
We survived it and I just wish, I did not take the other line from the movie "Take Me, take me". I used to never get sick. My "other half" would get sick and I would get through it with out harm. But WOW...Andrew has gotten sick just a couple of times and each time, I've gotten sick as well.
I took a sick day yesterday (thurs) to try and recover from this flu/cold. I also was taking care of Andrew, who still has a little cough but doing much better. Yesterday, I was sooo dizzy and stuffed up...I was laying on the living room floor..Andrew had all his toys out and were surrounding me. I looked at him as he was just flinging the toys in the air and letting them drop where ever they drop (sometimes hitting me on the shoulder, leg or head), he had this big smile on his face, I just thought to myself "I wish he could get me a cup of tea".
Once my kid starts school, I have no idea what kind of stuff he will be bringing home with him, but I can count on the fact he will share the experience with me.

I'm back at work...still a little sick/stuffed up...but much better. Happy Father Friday Everyone!!!!


gmt said...

Our house was sick just about non-stop this whole winter. Each of the three kids would pick up something in day care or school and bring it home, sharing it between each other as well as Greg and I. One would wake up feeling better, and another would be coughing and sniffling. Thank goodness there were no serious flus or sicknesses, but I had about three months of listenting to coughing and wiping runny noses. I'm so happy spring is here!

BellaDaddy said...
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BellaDaddy said...

OK, have to comment because Exorcist is my FAV movie LOL...and...we can relate...I am the nurse round here and believe me, when one gets it, they all get it...but as friends have said to me..."you dont get it, because you are too busy taking care of everyone else"....SIGH!

Isabella said...

Glad you (and your family) are feeling better!

We had a bout of sickness flying around our household as well. Fortunately, ShankRabbit and I were sick at different times, so we were able to take care of each other and the kid when she got sick. I dread the day when the whole household is sick at the same time.

Happy FF!

Lauren said...

My 4 yo gave me pneumonia for christmas and we've been sick off and on ever since.

Glad you're feeling better.

ShankRabbit said...

"I wish you could get me a cup of tea" made me LOL. (at work no less)

Maybe some soup and an hour of silence is in order too. :)

Otter Thomas said...

Kids are the gift that keeps on giving the whole year. Unfortunately this time of year they often give you colds or the flu.

birthmothertalks said...

Our family shared a nasty flu a few months ago. Cold too of course. Hope your all better soon.

john said...

i hear you, this winter was a toughy in our house. someone was always sick. Oh, just so you know, just because their older, doesnt mean a tissue is something they think booger boogers over there, booger boogers everywhere.

WeaselMomma said...

Feel better soon. If it gives you any hope, it felt like just last I was in your shoes. This week I had the flu and 3 of my kids were big and responsible enough to make me tea and make dinner for the gang. It's nice.

Mommy with a Penis said...

First of all, Andrew is adorable. I'm the one who doesn't get sick in our house. And my husband is the BIGGEST baby when sick. It's a little bit of hell when all three of them are down for the count. Glad you're feeling better. I'm still waiting for anyone to get me a cup of tea. Hutch

Jason said...

Yeah, just wait until he goes to school. When my oldest was in daycare I got strep throat no less than 6 times in one summer. He was fine but it was posted on the boards at school that it was going around. The little bugger was a freaking carrier. So just because he isn't sick doesn't mean you're safe :)

Joeprah said...

Kindergarten is a breeding ground for strep throat and ear infections--for reals. Man, get ready for the real sicknesses to start--they suck. Remember, don't send your kid to school sick--that's what the crazy folk do.

ciara said...

oh yes, passing the lovely germs from family member to family member. that's always fun...NOT. LOL i'm glad you all are recovering :)

Laurel said...

And apparently you sent this stuff East, to me. Ick!

Even when you're sick, ya still keep the humour going!


annieology said...

Aaahh. And too young for Nyquil, that's my fave. Hope he's feeling better.


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