Dad Blogs

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San Francisco, Ca, United States
I'm on the left, Andrew is in the middle and my partner Ed is on the right. My partner and I met in October 1993 and have been together ever since. Our son Andrew graced us with his presence on Christmas Eve 2007.

We're Going To See Mama

This Sunday is confirmed for a picnic in the park in the east bay (weather permitting) with Andrew's Birth mom.
I have been teaching Andrew how to say "mama" and showing him the picture of his mama. I ask him "Andrew, Who are we gonna see on Sunday?" and he replies "Mama, Mama, Mama". I can't wait for the birth mom to hear this for the first time. I hope she gets a warm feeling and a sense of belonging when Andrew looks at her and says "Mama".
Each visit gets better and better as we get to know each other better.
We only met the birth mom right after she gave birth and that was only for 15 to 20 minutes. She had chose us the day after she gave birth. Since then we have had three get-togethers.
I always get very excited before our visits because I can't wait to see the look in her eyes when she notices the milestones that our son has reached. She looks at him so intently and Andrew is beginning to know, this is his Mama.
My goal is to have her in Andrew's life as much as possible. Of course she needs to be in a good place in her life that will be a positive influence for Andrew. I am hopeful that she is getting her life together.
I have already invited her to Andrew's 2nd birthday (even though it's still so far away ...dec 23). We are having family from all over the country come and jam pack at our place to help us celebrate.
I'll be taking some pics and videos and will upload them on Sunday night.

Happy FF!!!!!


DaddyKV said...

Happy Stories always make a rainy day seem better. Thanks.

jaysinwantsu03 said...

I'm so excited to read each one of your posts... I Hope things go wonderfully with Birth Mom picnic..

Jason said...

I hope you guys all have a great time on Sunday! I can't wait to hear how well everything went.

BellaDaddy said...

Touching that you include "Mama" in your family child will appreciate this later in life. No Doubt!

Isabella said... wonderful that you include the birth mom in such a big way! I hope Sunday goes well for all of you.

Happy FF!

-Justin said...

I love being able to read about your lives and your adventures raising the little one! It's great that Mama gets to be a part of it!

New-Dad-Blog said...

That is cool you are having her invovled. Do you think that will be confusing at all for him? Or since that's all he knows he'll just roll with it?

Andrew's Daddies said...

@New Dad: One of the biggest issues my partner and I have before we decided to adopt is that it must be an Open Adoption. This means that the birth mother and father can be involved in our son's life. I think it will be more confusing for him if he did not know his story. His birth-mom. Our approach to this is to be honest with our son. He will not be confused because he will understand his unique family from day one. My attempt is to alleviate an identity issue as he gets older. He will know exactly where he came from and who his parents and birth-parents are.

Laurel said...

Pictures!!! And details!!! I almost want to pass on a 'hello' to Andrew's Mama. I love that you three dudes are calling her Mama. As, that's what she is...Andrew's Mommy.

You need to write a book. Seriously.

Have fun on Sunday - give Mama big hugs and can't wait to hear about it!


ciara said...

i think it's great that you keep his birth mom in his life. i hope that everything goes well at the picnic and that she indeed has been getting her life together so she can share in many more moments.

birthmothertalks said...

I think it's great that you are keeping Mama in his life. My favorite blogs coming from adopted parents are the ones who are in a open adoption and can/will write what they are comfortable sharing

Otter Thomas said...

Good luck with the get together and the weather.

lauren said...

Good luck with the picnic! May the sun be shining on everyone!

WeaselMomma said...

Andrews pics are are awesome. He must be a wonderful kid. I hope that all goes well and as planned for the weekend. Good luck.

shane said...

I'm new to your blog- but I am a big fan of kids finding a loving family, what a success story- your boy is truly a lucky guy, enjoy the picnic and bring a frisbee- never to young to start.

Rob said...

I hope your pinic is awesome and the weather is awesome also. Sounds like it will be a great time with you guys and MAMA

ShankRabbit said...

So cool that you are making sure that he knows his birth mom and that you're accepting her as a part of his life.

I love stories that secretly show how big a person's heart is. This post shows how lucky Andrew is to have you as one of his daddies.

21stcenturyman said...

That is so great that you are involving the birth mother in your son's life. He is lucky to have Dads like you and he will be grateful that you have chosen to do this. Happy FF!

Solcat said...

I think that it's so wonderful that Andrew calls his birthmom mama and that you consider her part of your 'unique family'. I'm the birthmom to a beautiful 9 month old daughter, her two daddies are everything I wanted for her..but I don't know if they will consider me part of their family or what my daughter will eventually call me. Deep down I obviously hope they'll encourage her to call me mama or mommy, especially since I can no longer have children and I've been so fiercely in love with her since the moment she tumbled around inside of me...after only 9 months and living in different states, we're all still navigating exactly what open adoption means and I'm always so afraid to ask for much. Reading this post made me think that perhaps I can still dream of a moment when she calls me mommy.


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